No More Facebook Marketing? Not so Fast…

facebook marketing cut offYou may have seen the Forrester Research report regarding Facebook marketing that’s making the rounds, or at least have read articles referencing it. The report’s conclusions are pretty extreme, with author Nate Elliott claiming that “Facebook has failed marketers” and has killed organic reach, citing Facebook’s announcement of cracking down on overly-promotional posts. According to Elliott, brands are wasting tons of money on Facebook and Twitter. But is this warranted?

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One Social Media Switch You Need to Make This Year

Over the last few months I, along with many other marketers, have become convinced of the following in terms of brand marketing: Facebook is on the fritz, and Google Plus is set to grow.

It’s actually not that difficult to see why. There are some fundamental shifts that each platform is going through that make the writing on the wall plain to see. Here’s a look at them:

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